Adobe Illustrator | Beginner's Guide- Session 18 Understanding Stroke Options | By Rekha Ma'am


Understanding Stroke Options

In this session we will learn all about stroke options.
You can open Stroke Panel by Stroke option in option bar.

or Go to Window menu then select Stroke Panel or Press Ctrl + F10. 

If all options not showing then click on flyout button in top right corner of stroke panel.


By increasing/decreasing the weight value you can increase/decrease thickness of stroke.


There are three Corner options Miter Join, Round Join & Bevel Join. 

Miter Join-

This is default corner option. In this option corners are pointed.

Round Join

In this option corners are rounded.

Bevel Join-

In this type, there is a cut on the corners.


Caps are the start and end points of open path.

There are three types of Caps.
Butt Cap, Rounded Cap, Projecting Cap.

Butt Cap

This is default cap, start and end points simply cut.

Rounded Cap

In this type caps are rounded.

Projecting Cap 

In this type caps are extends beyond the Path.

Align Stroke

There three types Center, Inside, Outside.

Center Align 

Stroke aligned to the center of the Path.

Inside Align

Stroke aligned inside the object.

Outside Align 

Stroke aligned outside of the object.

Dashed Line 

By using this option we can create discontinue line, means dashed line or dotted line by adjusting the values of dash and gaps.


By using this option we can set Arrow Tips on the starting and end points of strokes and we can adjust the scale and alignment of arrowheads.

Width Profile

By using this option we can set variations in the thickness of stroke. 

You can also Watch the Video Session 
