Adobe Illustrator | Beginner's Guide -Session 17 Opacity and Blending Modes | By Rekha Ma'am


Understanding Opacity & Blending Modes

In this session you will learn how to adjust opacity and blending modes. To make object transparent use transparency panel Go to Window Menu - then select transparency panel or use Shortcut Shift+Ctrl+F10.

or click on opacity on option panel.

In Transparency panel there are two option blending modes and opacity. To make object Transparent decrease the Opacity value. If opacity value is 100% then object is opaque. If we decrease Opacity then object will transparent. Set the Value of opacity as you want to make it transparent. 

Blending Modes 


It is default mode. It is standard blend mode used for all objects.



It Produce a darker color blending with down object. It keeps darkest color of the two.


The best mode for darkening .It also produces darker color, used for creating shadows. Great for creating shadows and removing whites and other light colors (while keeping the darker colors).

Color Burn

Darker than Multiply, with more highly saturated mid-tones and reduced highlights.




Lighten If the color of the selected object is lighter than the ones on the object below.


It Produces light color blending with the object below.

Color Dodge

Brighter than the Screen blend mode. It also produces light color blending with the object below.



Overlay combines Multiply and Screen blend mode. The part of object where the base object is light become lighter and the part where object is dark become darker.

Soft Light

It uses combination of Screen and Multiply mode, it make transparent highlights and darker the shadow or dark color objects. Its similar to overlay but it produces more softer color output.

Hard Light

Multiplies or screens the resulting color depending on the original color. If underlying color is less than 50% grey, the layer lightens it as if it were screened. If underlying color is more than 50% grey it will be darkens as if it were Multiplies.   



Subtracts bottom object color from top object color. Blending with white will invert the colors. Blending with black produce n o changes.


Subtracts bottom object color from top object color. Blending with white will invert the colors. Blending with black produce no changes. Creates a similar effect to but lower in contrast than the difference mode.



Creates a result color with the luminance and saturation of the base color and hue of the blend color.


It Preserves the luminance and saturation of the base color and adopts the saturation of the blend color.


Color modes preserves the luma and saturation of the underlying object while adopting the hue of top object.


It creates a result color with the hue and saturation of the base color and the luminance of blend color.

Also Watch Video session 
