Adobe Illustrator | Beginner's Guide- Session 13 How to Use Pen Tool | By Rekha Ma'am


How to use Pen Tool

In this Session we will Learn how to use Pen Tool & What type of shapes and designs we can create by this tool. 

Pen Tool is most powerful Tool in Adobe Illustrator You can create Simple and complicated shapes by using it. 

You will have this Pen tool set With Pen tool.

To create Straight Line Select Pen tool and start drawing by clicking in blank area and click on end point where you want to finish the line. 

To create Curve Line Click on blank area and press and move by left mouse button and then click on end point. if you want to create open curve and stop drawing then press Esc key from keyboard. 

When you want to create complete shape and draw curves and lines and connect it from start point by clicking on start point to complete the shape.

To add anchor points and modify your shape use Add anchor Point Tool (Shortcut Key +). click on line to add anchor points.


To Delete Anchor Points Use Delete Anchor Point Tool (Shortcut Key -). and click on anchor points it will remove from line. 


To Convert Anchor Points,  smooth  to Corner and Vise-versa. Use Convert Point Tool (Shortcut Key Shift +C).

Trace Some shapes for Practice of Pen Tool. Practice makes a man Perfect.

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