Adobe Illustrator | Beginner's Guide- Session-16 How to use Rotate Tool | By Rekha Ma'am #Graphics #illustrator


How to Use Rotate Tool -

In this session you will learn how to use rotate tool and create different designs with the help of rotate tool.

 we can select rotate tool from tool box or by pressing shortcut key R.

With this tool we can change the position of center point or pivot point, and we can place the center point of object anywhere in the artboard area. we can create copies of object while rotating the object by pressing Alt and drag with LMB (Left Mouse Button). After that to repeat copy action use duplicate CTRL+ D.

There will be a problem that gap between objects will same but last objects gap will be different so if we want same gap between all objects so we have to know how many objects we have to create and gap between them so to calculate the gap divide, number of objects divided by 360. 

To input the value of rotation, we open the ruler by Ctrl + R and drag and create guides and set object on guideline and then Alt + Left Click  on the intersection of the guides, a dialogue box will be open,  enter the value and click on copy and then press ctrl +d to repeat the copy action.

If we create Indian flag, in the mid circle there are 24 sticks so we will get the rotation degree by 360/24= 15

Also watch video session.
