Adobe Illustrator | Beginner's Guide- Session-20 Eraser scissor knife Tool | By Rekha Ma'am #Graphics


How to use Eraser scissor knife Tool

In this session you will learn how to use Eraser scissor & Knife Tool, these tools are used to cut objects but there is difference in their working and output.

Eraser Tool (shortcut Shift+E) 

Eraser tool is used to remove unwanted part of your artwork. select the object and drag the tool where you want to remove. 

We can increase eraser size by using ]

We can decrease eraser size by using [

To edit advanced options of Eraser double click on Eraser. 

Angle to rotate the eraser.
Roundness to increase and decrease the roundness of eraser or to make oval shape eraser.
size edit the size of eraser.

Scissor Tool (Shortcut C)

Scissor tool is used to cut object into two parts. it cuts the paths and create open path object. if you want to join the path use join (Ctrl + J) or right click on object and select join.

Knife Tool

Knife tool is also used to cut objects into two or more parts. it creates closed path objects.

also watch Video session.
