Adobe Illustrator | Beginner's Guide-Session-8 Selection Tools, Grouping & Transform| By Rekha Ma'am

Selection Tools, Grouping & Transform

In this session we will learn how to use Selection tool, Direct Selection Tool, Group Selection Tool and how group & Ungroup objects.

Slection Tool(Shortcut Key V)

By using selection tool we can select and move objects, and Transform(move, scale, rotate, shear) Objects.
Hold shift key to scale in a ratio. hold Alt+shift key fix center and scale in ratio.

there is a bounding box on the object that is used to transform objects. If bounding box not showing than go to View menu--Show/hide Bounding Box (Shortcut- Shift + Ctrl+B)

We can also transform objects by Transform panel.

If Transform panel not showing, Go to Window menu- Tranform (shortcut = Shift+F8)

Direct Selection Tool (Shortcut Key A)

This tool is used to select anchor points and edit the shape of object.

How to Group Objects

Select objects which you want to group and right click- select Group or  use shortcut key Ctrl +G.

How to Ungroup Objects

elect objects which you want to Ungroup and right click- select Ungroup or  use shortcut key Ctrl +Shift+G.

Group Selection Tool-

This tool is used to select and move parts of a group.

Also Watch Class Video.
