Adobe Illustrator | Beginner's Guide- Session-5 Understanding Artboards

In this session, You will Learn how to use multiple artboards in file, add, delete and transform artboards.

Multiple Artboards 

You can take multiple artboards from start or you can add artboards by using Artboard tool. Shortcut key of Artboard tool is Shift + O

What you can do with Artboard Tool

  1. You can select edit and transform existing artboards 
  2. Add new Artboard
  3. Delete Artboards
  4. Change Page Size and Orientation
  5. You can select Preset Page sizes

Arrangement of Sequence of Artboards

We can arrange Artboards in following types:-
  1. Grid by Row
  2. Grid by Column
  3. Arrange by Row
  4. Arrange by column

Change to Left to Right Layout- to change the direction

Add new Artboard

You can add new artboard by drawing artboard or by clicking new artboard button or you can create copy of existing artboard by presing Alt key and move the artboard.

To Change the Unit of measurement of file

Go to file menu--> Document Setup
or Press Shortcut Key Alt+Ctrl+P

Delete Artboards

You can delete artboards by clicking delete cross at the corner of the artboard and you can click on delete artboard button.

Also watch video session


  1. Can you please explain about colour wells

  2. This session is not for colors,
    Read this


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