Typography is all about text. It is very important element in designing. Typography is style or appearance of text. It is an art of arranging text & lay outing in an appealing manner.

 Anatomy of Text

Typography is everywhere we look.
In the books we read, on the website we visit, even on everyday life. Street signs, stickers & Product Packaging Advertisement either in Print media or digital media.

Common Types of Fonts

Serif Fonts

Have little strokes attached to the letter and give it classic look. It’s a good choice for traditional projects & commonly used in print publications like Magazines & news Papers.

 Sans serif Fonts

Don’t have extra strokes or serifs, also known as “without serif”.
This type of fonts are more clean & modern, hence it can be read easily on computer screen, tablet & mobile.

Display fonts

Comes in many different styles like script, all caps, blackletters, and fancy fonts. They are decorative fonts used for small amount of text. They are best choice for titles & headers and Graphics based designs.

How to select correct font for design

When you have to decide which font should use for this design.
First you should understand what types of your Project is …?
 If you are working on Greeting cards you should use decorative fonts.
If you are working on a hoarding design or banner, you should use simple display fonts that can be visible and readable from distance.
For selecting fonts for a project- Less is more…
You should use one or two fonts per project. Try to use in different style, size & weight.

You should also know some points about text.


You can use opposite looking fonts.
Tall with Short
Bold with Light
Decorative with simple
Serif with sans serif


Used to guide the readers eye to whatever is most important. We Use different levels for arranging text.  
Like Headings
Sub Headings
Sub Text
Body Text


The space between lines, also known as line spacing.
Too tight
Too Lose
Can create problem in reading, default is okay.


It is called space between characters, also known as character spacing.
Use condensed or expand depending on your needs.


Kerning is space between special pair of characters, used to best fit characters.

Font size

12 Points = 1 Pica
6 Pica= 1 Inch
72 Points will be 1 inch.

You can download fonts from free websites & also from paid websites.
Free fonts website Links

Typography Part-II

Imagine if all the text in websites, Products, Books & everywhere look same, it will look very boring.
To make our design more attractive, we use different typeface & fonts.

Typeface Vs Fonts

Typeface is a set of letters, numbers etc of a particular design used in designing & Printing. The design can include variations, such as extra bold, bold, regular, light, italic, condensed, extended etc. Each  of these variations of the typeface is font.

What is font family?

A font family is a set of fonts that have a common design.

watch this class on youtube



  1. बहुत व्यवस्थित व सन्तुलित आपने परिभाषित किया हैं आपके इस योग के लिए आपकों बधाई हैं।

    1. आपका बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद


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